Rather Good Resources

Are you looking for some Rather Good Resources?

If you want to learn a bit more about us and dip your toe in the Rather Good world, take a look at the Resources below.


Difficult People 101

A short booklet with 3 key facts and 3 key principles to make your dealings with difficult people much easier.

Download it below:

Difficult People 101

Key facts and principlesto help you deal wth difficult people

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Selling Sustainability

In 2023, I wrote an article discussing how architects can encourage clients to make sustainable choices. It was originally published in the Spring/Summer 2023 edition of Cambridge Architecture Gazette.

I also created a toolkit of resourses to go along with the article. You can pick them up below:

Selling Sustainability

How architects can get buy-in from clients: Article and Toolkit

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Appreciating your Strengths

An article discussing how to make the most of your existing resources. Originally published in the Autumn/Winter 2022 edition of Cambridge Architecture Gazette.

Access the download below:

Appreciating your Strengths

Learn how to build on your existing strengths

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