2024: A Rather Good Year
2024: A Rather Good Year
Are you looking forward to the new year?
Are you happy to bid farewell to 2023?
Or did it just whizz by?
December/January is a natural time to take stock of where you are and look forward to what you want next year.
Most of us have some holidays around this time of year, and that makes it a great time to ask and answer questions about where we've been, where we are and where we want to go.
And you're usually feeling a bit more chipper, without work breathing down your neck, so taking the time and space to check how you're doing is a great idea!
I like to think of it as taking time to recalibrate my internal compass.
Because if I don't know where I am, or where I want to go, I will have immense difficulty in getting there!
If you want some help to plan out your new year, sign up below for a FREE mini-course that will help you craft your Rather Good Year.